jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

My work...

First of all, this is not pretend to be a translation of the below texts. This is only an explanation for those English speakers who asked me to write some words in English.

I have been working for Save the Children for one month now and it's going really well and I enjoy the work. I have carried out come interviews with people from different departments however, I haven't finished them all yet. The purpose was not only to have an understanding of who’s who and who's doing what but also to have a full overview of the main issues. During this period of time, we identified the departments where there are more improvement opportunities which are Finances, Human resources, “Programs area”, and Administration. This is the more complex one since procurement and the warehouse are within it.

I would like to point out that the IT people are carrying out a great job within the organization. We get on very well. We carried out a brainstorming about improvements ideas and we need to implement some of them.

I'm trying to use all the Lean Sigma tools that I can and I am currently working on 5 projects however, would like to start a couple more.

I have also informed the importance of doing the most work as possible between September and October and keep November just to implement the control measures.

It is "easy", drawing the diagram flows of the way of working, and try to remove the waste (or at least, minimizing it), optimizing the process, just keeping the value added tasks.

The main target of all the projects is the ways of working optimization, standardizing some tasks and improving the current working. I am also looking forward to beginning with a 6S project in the warehouse..

I would also like to implement a small kanban, doing some kaizens and also do an encrypted agenda…it may be the first encrypted agenda in a NGO.

Oscar with Gilma and Carolina

Between project and project, I do not lose the opportunity of meeting people, chatting with them and rich myself with all their knowledge and experiences…

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